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  • 7 Feb 2025 7:11 PM | Anonymous

    Back when we started the hive, we had grand plans of a community pulling together to teach our kids. We had this idea that all parents bring a unique skill set with them to the co-op each week, and we have tried to capitalize on those skills. We have parents who homestead, families who run their own construction businesses, mothers who are skilled in handiworks, and parents who make beautiful music. From analytical minds to creative ones, we have hit an array of skilled women leading our children. In light of this discovery, we've added unique classes that are inspired by the hive's busy bees! Life Skills taught by women who have the knowledge and know-how to guide our kids in the basics. Music taught by a mother who is in a musical duo that plays out at venues. Performing Arts taught by a mama of a theatre kid. Toddler Movement taught by a mama who is dedicated to her own physical health.

    In order to accommodate our ever evolving co-op, we've switched to a six class day. Shortening the classes to 30 minutes and adding in these amazing opportunities just seemed like a no-brainer! We love that our tiny co-op can fit the needs of our children as they grow. We encourage you to come check us out through a Guided Tour or a Try-It-Out Day when they are available! 

    See our Spring 2025 Schedule below to get an idea of what a day would look like at the co-op!

  • 7 Apr 2024 2:56 PM | Anonymous

    → In an effort to maintain a manageable ratio of kids:parents, we would need between around 10-14 parents every hour that are in the “educator” role, with 2-3 adults in each class all day. This means that members who participate in the co-op for the full day are required to be teaching or aiding a class for 3 out of the 6 classes during a day. Half day parents who are only present for 3 classes are required to aid/teach in 2 of the classes. All full day families are required to participate in a cleaning duty each week that could look like vacuuming a room, wiping down tables, dust mopping the gym, emptying garbage cans, or watching children while other hive members take part in cleaning duties. Half day families are exempt from cleaning duties

    The classes offer, depend on the needs of the membership. We typically have a Toddlers Class, Early Learners (4-9) Class, and an Experienced Learners (10+) Class. We've added in other classes when necessary, such as a Nursery (0-1) or Intermediate (6-9). With the rooms we have available, and with the membership needs presented to us, we have the ability to adjust the offered classes as is necessary.

    → The hive leadership lays the groundwork for the curriculum for the classes. This consists of: 

    • Assigning the themes/units

    • Providing materials such as books, craft supplies, resources, websites, etc. for activities suggested pertaining to the theme

    • Ensuring that the supply fee money is put toward supplies requested by the lead teachers

    • Lending assistance in planning/brainstorming any additional ideas for the day’s fun

    If you’ve got ideas and you want to run with something, go for it! Let us know what is needed for supplies within a reasonable time frame, and we can make it happen. But it does mean that if you can’t think of what Engineering activity to do with Experienced Learners in relation to the Mammals (for example), we’ve got your back. 

    → Parents will also be required to participate in the NYS Mandated Reporter online training per the building's rules and insurance purposes. Additionally, we crosscheck all members with the NYS sex offender registry before every session. If you have already completed the Mandated Reporter training for the 2023-2024 you are not required to complete it again. It is about 2 hours long and we request that you send your certificate of completion to our email address before you can be allowed to start your winter session with us. The training is free at 

  • 7 Apr 2024 2:45 PM | Anonymous

    Absence Policy

    In an effort to keep everyone wanting to come back (and to stop parents from choosing between going to co-op sick just to prevent a day where you educate all day long, or staying home), we have decided not to have a make-up requirement. But in doing so, absences will be more harshly felt in the hive. If there aren’t enough parents to cover the individual classes, then we will be forced to merge in the gymnasium for the majority of the day. This limits the children’s abilities to do the fun things planned for the day greatly, but it is the only option left to us if we don’t have enough parents on site to man the individual classrooms. The hope is to always have 2 parents on site for back ups, but it does leave us the only option being to utilize the gym if no one is willing to cover a parent's absence. Both Sydney and Shannon plan on being available for coverage as a last resort if need be. We will not force a parent to educate 3 times in one day due to someone else’s absence. Coverage is on a volunteer basis only, there will be no reprisals for refusing to cover when approached to do so. Missing 3 or more class days out of the ten is putting your ability to participate in the next school year in jeopardy. We understand there are emergencies, illnesses, vacations and family concerns. Let us know what’s going on and we are more than willing to work with you!

    Having worked with this policy already, we've found that without the pressure of expectations nor the fear of reprisals, there is a lot of breathing room. People are far more willing to step into the roles that need filling when they know it's their choice, and that others will be willing to do the same for them!

    Order of Operations for Absences

    1: As soon as you are aware that you will be absent, please attempt to arrange coverage via personal text message or posting in the private members facebook group. 2: Whether or not you can find coverage, still contact Sydney Harvey or Shannon Hawkins to let us know that you are going to be absent. If you haven’t found coverage, we can take it from there and attempt to find someone to put in your place. 

  • 7 Apr 2024 2:36 PM | Anonymous

    → Each week will have a theme for the whole co-op. The activities of that day will be centered upon a theme that is separated into smaller bite-sized chunks in order to look at a whole topic from multiple angles.

    → Each day, kids will have a rotation of six classes. The activities planned for the children will be within the categories of Science, The Arts, Life Skills, Engineering/Building, or Movement. By tackling the theme through these class types, we hope to give way to a more thorough (and fun!) understanding of a topic. We have sensory options for all ages (and even a Sensory class for Toddlers!), books at the ready always, and a way to build/create as options alongside the theme activities— this is the atmosphere of child-led learning and choice. It is our belief that all of our kids are so smart, and following their lead will empower their confidence and bring joy to the prospect of learning.

    → Toddlers (0-3) have Movement, two Art classes, Sensory Class, and Story Time. Early, Intermediate, and Experienced Learners (4-18) have Movement, Art, Science, Life Skills and Engineering/Building classes. Early & Intermediate Learners have a Music Class, while Experienced Learners have a Performing Arts Class. In the middle of the day we have half an hour of lunch and a half an hour of recess. At the end of the day, we take part in clean up. . 

    → (Not Applicable to Spring Session 2025) Children 4+ will also have the option to participate in Music Classes/Lessons depending on age group and needs. Follow our facebook page for more information as we get closer to the Fall Session Start!

  • 7 Apr 2024 2:23 PM | Anonymous

    In the hive, we have a few different types of fundraisers. Individual Fundraisers are ones that are led directly by the families in the hive membership. As hive members, you can opt to participate in an individual fundraiser that puts money directly into your family's hive account. That money can then be used to buy merch, lower your session fees, or to spend on field trips organized by the hive. Our first individual fundraiser was through Oliver's Candies. Each box of chocolates had 40 candy bars. Members opted to pay $40 for a box of chocolates, then it was their job to sell that box of chocolates for $2/bar. When the sale money is due, families kept half of the profits to reimburse themselves for the box of chocolates that they had bought upfront. Then, they turned in the other half of the money to the hive collective. This money was then put into their family account.

    When the following session sign ups rolled around, we had families who paid $5-$15 for their whole family to attend the session due to their chocolate bar sales. 

    Individual fundraisers are a great way to lessen the financial burden of being a part of the co-op and we're blessed to have some awesome folks in leadership and committees that are willing to set up these opportunities for all the busy bees in the hive.

As per federal requirements, all 501c3 nonprofit corporations are required to make their filing forms readily accessible to the public. To view the forms we've filed with the IRS go to the link below and look up by name: hive collective inc. 

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