In the hive, we have a few different types of fundraisers. Individual Fundraisers are ones that are led directly by the families in the hive membership. As hive members, you can opt to participate in an individual fundraiser that puts money directly into your family's hive account. That money can then be used to buy merch, lower your session fees, or to spend on field trips organized by the hive. Our first individual fundraiser was through Oliver's Candies. Each box of chocolates had 40 candy bars. Members opted to pay $40 for a box of chocolates, then it was their job to sell that box of chocolates for $2/bar. When the sale money is due, families kept half of the profits to reimburse themselves for the box of chocolates that they had bought upfront. Then, they turned in the other half of the money to the hive collective. This money was then put into their family account.
When the following session sign ups rolled around, we had families who paid $5-$15 for their whole family to attend the session due to their chocolate bar sales.
Individual fundraisers are a great way to lessen the financial burden of being a part of the co-op and we're blessed to have some awesome folks in leadership and committees that are willing to set up these opportunities for all the busy bees in the hive.